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(You can cancel ANYTIME during the 14 days without any hassle. Just login to your account and click "cancel my account." Or you can contact our support team through our help desk, and they'll help you out. It's that simple.)

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John booked over $10k as a soloist in the month of July 2021.

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Arron had never booked a performance before in his life. He reached out to the venues and event planners in the book and used the email template I include and booked a $2.5k show his very first try.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How Does The Subscription Work?
A: The BookLive subscription is a monthly membership that gives you access to our training courses, private community, and software tools. When you sign up, you get a full month of the program absolutely FREE, which gives you full access to everything included in the program. After the first month, you'll be billed automatically each month at the regular rate of $40, but you can cancel at any time if you're not satisfied. We recommend taking full advantage of our resources while you're a member to get the most out of the program and see the best results for your music career.

Q: When will I receive my account and bonuses?
When you sign up today, you’ll receive instant access to the materials on the order confirmation page. You will also receive an email with the subject line "New Course Available" which will grant you access to Fulltime Music Academy, and another separate email with access information for BookLive Gig-Booking Platform.

Q: Is All Of This Value Really Free?! What's the catch?
There's no catch! We understand that musicians need affordable resources to succeed, especially in today's ever-changing music industry. We believe that BookLive can provide the necessary tools for musicians to build their careers and book high-paying gigs. By offering the first month for FREE, we hope to provide musicians with an opportunity to try out our services without breaking the bank. After the first month, the subscription renews at $40/month, which we believe is still an incredible value for the amount of training, resources, and community support that we offer.

Q: Who Is This For?
This is for all musicians who are interested in booking high-paying gigs. This is for musicians that would like step-by-step guidance on booking their first gig so they don’t get stuck, lost, or overwhelmed.

Q: What If I'm Not Satisfied With My Subscription?
This is highly unlikely. However, with that said, if you don't find your subscription useful, including the $1,317 worth of ‘gigging secrets’ given to you for free today... then you can cancel anytime and we'll part as friends. ;)

We'd hate for you to sign up for a BookLive account and it just sits there not getting any use. That's like buying a top of the line instrument, and letting it sit in its case, gathering dust. So, if you are part of the small percentage of people that don't find Fulltime Music Academy useful, then you can cancel anytime and we won't hold it against you.